4 Cleaning Supply Best Practices for 2016


What volume of cleaning supplies do you store on-site? How do you store them? Are you sure you’re doing it in the best way so you keep your employees safe, and the chemicals effective?

It’s really a long discussion, depending on the amount and types of chemicals you need to store. But, you can at least get a start, or check for any major mistakes on your part by learning about these best practices first:

  1. One Idea for Hazardous Chemicals

Do you have a hazardous cleaningg chemical you absolutely need to keep on hand? Sometimes it’s necessary. To prevent spills or major workplace catastrophes, keep the bare minimum you need on hand. Or, if you can, only purchase what you actually need to use so the seller does all the storing for you.

  1. Keep Walkways Clear

Wherever you store your chemicals, make sure you store them off the ground. It’s so easy to trip over things during the busy, and sometimes chaotic, workday. According to Berkeley research quoted by OSHA, 190,000 illnesses and 50,000 deaths annually are attributable to chemical exposures. So if you think it’s a small problem, now you have evidence that indicates otherwise.

  1. When Storing Hazardous Chemicals…

They should always be stored at head height or lower, and especially so if you have shorter workers. Nothing against their height. The issue is that when you have to lift heavy weights from above your head, you lose stability. That means the possibility of dropping and spilling the chemical is increased. So, store whatever hazardous chemicals you have at about head’s height or lower where you have more control when moving the chemicals.

Also, don’t store the hazardous chemicals near non-hazardous substances regularly used at your work. They could contaminate your non-hazardous chemicals, which could lead to harm or illness to workers unprepared for it.

  1. If You Spill, Do This

No company, and no person’s perfect. At some time or another, a spill or accident will happen. In that case, your employees should know how to do safe cleanup.ThinkstockPhotos-503583812

Conduct random audits of your storage and cleanup processes so everyone remains prepared. That way, when an accident happens, you can minimize the damage, and any harm that could come to your company’s employees or reputation.

By following those tips, you’ll improve your workplace’s safety. And you could avoid accidental deaths.

After all, isn’t an ounce of prevention worth a pound of cure?