How You Can Make Your Packaging Boost Your Customer’s Impression of Your Products


In today’s society, we have intense debate about not judging other people. Yet, in your customer’s minds, that’s exactly what they do in regard to your store all the time.

When they first enter your store, they assume what the rest of it will be like based on what’s happening right in the front. They form rigid opinions of your physical store by the cleanliness of your bathrooms.

And with your products, they absolutely judge the what they’re going to get based on the packaging. If you’re considering creating a new product, or if you’re re-evaluating your packaging, keep these ideas in mind to make powerful impressions that boost your sales:

  1. Sometimes, A Simple Demo’s All That’s Needed

Manufacturers of children’s toys have this strategy down pat. Let the child play with the toy so they can engage and see how it works.

If you sell products to adults of any age, how can you create packaging that lets them do the same?

  1. Make Sure Your Packaging Can Handle a Beating

Remember, your products may be transported hundreds or thousands of miles before they actually hit the shelves. That means lots of handling. It’ll bounce around in the truck. And then shoppers will touch it (and maybe lots if it’s a holiday).

That’s plenty of opportunity for your packaging to get damaged and look worn. And of course, your customers won’t care for that. Make sure your package is made from durable materials so your product has a new appearance even after enduring some abuse.

  1. Point out the Benefits

For this one, take a look at pairs of athletic socks at your favorite retailer. Nike does an amazing job of describing the benefits their socks deliver on their packaging.

Why do you think they sell so much more than other brands of athletic wear?

You may have customers who don’t know all the benefits of your product. So, it’s up to you to make them abundantly clear. Most likely, your competitors don’t do this at all, or they describe features (which aren’t as likely to make consumers buy). It’s a small change, but it makes a powerful difference in which product gets bought, and especially so among less recognizable brands.

That’s just a basic, high-level overview of packaging. But, it gets you going in the right direction so you avoid making mistakes and make more sales from the start.