Do You Make These 4 Shipping and Packaging Mistakes?

Put simply, business is really a series of mistakes and learning until you find what works.

And even in 2018, companies still make packaging mistakes.

Do any of these sound familiar? If so, you may benefit from changing your packaging approach:

1. Overlooking Returns

You can pack your product absolutely perfectly – and sometimes it arrives damaged anyway.

Returns are frustrating and inconvenient for both you and the customer. But how you handle the return can actually win long-term loyalty from many customers.

That’s because they experience mishaps with every company. And how you handle that can strongly differentiate you from the competition.

So if damage does happen, simply include a pre-paid shipping label your customers can slap on to send your item back – without even talking to customer service.

Yes, money lost now. But, loyalty and many purchases won throughout the future equals a huge net gain for you – and your customer!

2. Using Too Much Dunnage

Forget about using packing peanuts anymore. No customer wants those flying all over the place and sticking to their product.

They’re also environmentally unfriendly.

More frequently, you might use too many air pillows, a couple of boxes more than necessary, or a tiny item floating around an oversized box.

Fit the product in the smallest box necessary – and keep it snug. That’s it. Simple!

3. Including Frustrating Packaging

Consumers are so eager to get into their product that they get easily frustrated with any small barrier. This actually has become so frequent it gets called “wrap rage.”

They don’t want to use scissors to open their product. They don’t want annoying clamshell packaging.

Just use a container, flexible plastic, corrugated material, or paper packaging to make their experience easy.

4. Not Enough Packaging

Some products haven’t been designed to be shipped over long distances. And the carrier shipping them hasn’t created their systems for those products. Packaging also hasn’t been designed for this purpose, either.

For example, say you buy a flat screen TV online like many other Americans. These frequently come damaged for all the reasons just discussed.

Even though including more than usual packaging isn’t environmentally friendly, you actually create a net savings by reducing your damaged item rate. There’s nothing more environmentally unfriendly than a broken product that needs to get sent back through the supply chain.

To ease your customers’ frustrations, you may include a short card explaining why you used the packaging materials you did and the fact that you actually reduce your environmental impact that way.

So, do you find yourself making any of these mistakes?

Taking action on them only reduces your costs and improves your reputation with your customers.