SCA Cares for People, And the Earth Too

You’ve seen SCA’s products at home, on TV, the web, or at your company before. Did you know they’re a Swedish company and that “SCA” stands for “Svenska Cellulosa Akitebolaget?”

Founded in 1929, it’s yet another one of the vendors we love who has been around for nearly a century (or in some cases, longer). Originally, SCA was ten separate Swedish forest companies who merged into a single group. Back then, they focused on deforestation.

In 1975, SCA began its shift toward consumer goods. They acquired another Swedish company, which enabled SCA to offer tissue, diapers, feminine hygiene, and incontinence products.

In 2001, they acquired American companies Georgia-Pacific Tissue and Tuscarora (protective packaging).

Over the years, and despite its focus on products made from trees, SCA has managed to offer these products in an ethical way. The American Ethisphere Institute named SCA one of the world’s most ethical companies.


We don’t know all the reasons. But here’s at least four:

  • They teach young women across the globe about menstruation
  • They do the same for children and proper hand hygiene
  • They help nurses and nursing home managers improve continence care
  • Their 10,000-square-mile forest in Europe, nearly the size of Belgium, absorbs more than all the fossil fuel usage by SCA’s business processes worldwide

So not only do they offer amazing products, but they focus on much more than money with their great concern for the welfare of people and the earth. When you see companies with integrity like that, at that large of a scale, you know they do the right thing with their products too.

A Brief List of Some of SCA’s Products

SCA has a long, long list of products for consumers and businesses. Here’s just a few, some of which you may recognize:

  • Purex
  • Sorbent
  • Cushelle
  • Handee
  • Lady
  • Nebax
  • Orchid
  • Plenty
  • DryKids
  • Hey Baby!
  • Tork

You just don’t get it much better than you do with SCA. You can’t question the viability of their products. And you can’t argue with the integrity with which they conduct themselves behind the scenes.

Their history proves it. And their continued market leadership today continues to prove it.

And that’s why we have no problem offering SCA’s products when they make sense for you.