Everyone knows the benefits of sustainable practices in retail. It’s not only about being environmentally friendly; it’s about driving a company purpose and having a good reputation as a brand. There are plenty of ways retailers can incorporate sustainable practices into their daily operations. Here’s a peak into what sustainability looks like for retailers:
Clean Energy
Switching to clean energy options is one way retailers can be sustainable while saving money in the long run. For example, solar energy is a great way to power retail stores because it generates power without emissions or pollution. You can also opt for energy efficient lighting like LED lightbulbs. Not only are they more energy efficient; they last longer as well. Also consider switching to larger appliances, such as refrigerators and air conditioning units, that have energy saving features.
Eco-Friendly Packaging
A great way to reduce waste as a retailer is to use eco-friendly packaging. Look for recyclable or reusable materials when choosing your product packaging. Recycled cardboard, paper and glass are good alternatives to single-use plastics, which increase carbon emissions. Using eco-friendly packaging helps your retail business be more sustainable by effectively reducing waste, which also reduces your carbon footprint.
Green Cleaning Products
Traditional cleaning products often contain ingredients that are harmful to the environment, as they pollute the air and water. These harsh chemicals are also harmful to our health. Coming into contact or breathing in these toxic chemicals can cause skin irritation or allergic reactions. Using eco-friendly cleaning products is a great way to reduce your environmental impact and practice sustainability in your retail business.
Sustainable Supply Chain
One of the main ways retailers can promote sustainability is by establishing a sustainable supply chain. This starts with sourcing products from ethical suppliers. Choose suppliers who use eco-friendly materials and energy efficient technology, as well as practice ethical labor. Establish a supply chain that prioritizes sustainability and efficiency at every step from production to transportation. This means everything from using recycled materials for product packaging, energy efficient machinery, and environmentally conscious transportation methods.
Encouraging Customers to be Eco-Friendly
A fun way for retailers to be more sustainable is to encourage customers to be more eco-friendly. This can start by educating customers on what it means to be environmentally conscious by marketing your brand’s sustainability practices. Retailers can also reward customers for bringing in reusable bags or containers by running promotions. Customers appreciate retail businesses that make the effort to be green. By encouraging customers to be more eco-friendly, you increase sustainability and boost your brand’s image. It’s a win-win!
At Pollock Orora, we know sustainability is a collective effort. That’s why we prioritize sustainability at every step of the supply chain process. With eco-friendly packaging materials, green cleaning products, energy efficient equipment, and expert guidance, we offer a single-source sustainable supply chain for everything you need to be more environmentally responsible as a retailer. Let’s create a more sustainable future together!