What’s the Difference: Domestic vs. Industrial Cleaning Supplies

Owning your own business has been your lifelong dream. You love helping others, and the ability to share your ambition with others is your ideal. Financially, though, it seems like money leaks out of your coffers at every turn. Industrial cleaning supplies are more expensive than what you can pick up at the box store down the street, and they’re much less convenient to order. What’s the difference between the cleaning supplies you use at home and industrial cleaning supplies?

Better Quality

A bottle of cleaner from your local grocery store is less expensive than a similar amount of industrial cleaner, but look at the percentage of chemicals in each one. You will find almost all industrial strength cleaners contain a more concentrated formula of cleaners, sanitizers, and disinfectants than what you have at home.

Buying professional cleaning supplies in bulk almost always saves money over individual, watered-down home supplies. Industrial cleaning supplies are used more frequently than home cleaners, so they must be less toxic to people.

This leads to a large number of industrial products being gentler for the environment or even considered green.

You usually will not find an industrial floor buffer in a residential home. It follows that you would not find the industrial cleaner for the buffer at home either. Many industrial cleaning products are designed specifically for industrial machinery.

While hospitals and clinics require hospital-grade disinfectants, many offices and restaurants are now turning to the same or similar disinfectants to ensure their customers and co-workers remain healthy. Ordering hospital grade disinfectants is a bonus for your business.

Compliance Standards

All businesses must meet or exceed Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) standards within their specific organizations. Hospitals require different levels of OSHA standards than a restaurant, for example. This includes ensuring all work areas are as safe and free of as many pathogens as possible.

Along with OSHA, restaurants and other venues serving food must meet rigorous board of health standards. These include ensuring surfaces are cleaned, sanitized, and disinfected with food-grade chemicals.

Be sure to be familiar with all levels of compliance – local, state, and national.

Saving Time and Money

Many industrial cleaning products are designed to spray on without wiping off, which saves time.

One of the key differences between home and industrial cleaners is durability. A professional setting needs a disinfectant with staying power and, as such, manufacturers ensure treated surfaces remain clean for as long as the claim states. This also cuts down on the number of times surfaces must be disinfected during the day.


At home, hot water is often a key ingredient to disinfect and clean. For businesses, the less hot water used, the less expensive the process. Manufacturers understand this and have created cleaning products that work well at lower temperatures for businesses.

Take a look at Pollock Orora’s industrial cleaning supplies, and speak with one of our knowledgeable co-workers to learn about which products are best for your company. Call us at 800-843-7320 today.