Why Hammermill Nails Your Paper Needs

Hammermill’s legacy in the paper industry stretches all the way back to 1899.

In its first decade of operations, the company grew to over 500 employees.

But why?

Well, partially due to its product quality. But Hammermill was also one of the most forward-thinking companies of its time.

They were the first to introduce profit sharing. They also offered paid vacations, sick time, and bonuses in a time when all were rare.

The company’s new patented watermarking process in that day ledto great efficiency in distribution.

While much has changed at Hammermill, its commitment to innovation and excellence has not. Even in 2000, before sustainability became the hot-button issue it is now, Hammermill was already planting several new trees for each one it cut down. They actually began a similar practice all the way back in 1960.

How’s that for thinking ahead?

And today, the digital era sets new standards and expectations for paper quality. Today’s business customer expects printshop quality right in their own office. And Hammermill delivers on that with paper designed specifically to create the best resolution on today’s printers.

The company also has even more sustainable options, like its Great White 100, which is paper made from 100% recycled post-consumer pulp.

Hammermill has also designed its paper to be 99.99% jam-free.

Paper for Nearly Every Purpose

Yes, the trend today is to make everything digital. But sometimes, you still need to use a little paper. And since Hammermill harvests paper in a sustainable way, you don’t have to worry about harming the earth.

Here are some of Hammermill’s products and the situations they’re specially designed for:

1. Tidal paper offers solid performance at a reasonable cost. It works best for internal purposes and general everyday use. Its ColorLok technology helps ink dry 3x faster so it doesn’t smudge. Black ink shows up 60% bolder, while color ink appears 30% more vivid.
2. The Colors product line helps you deliver the most impressive experience possible. So, this would be for customers or making an impact on decision-makers at your business. You can get it in 15 different colors and it comes with a smooth surface for maximum showthrough.

So if you need paper for any reason, don’t hesitate when you hear the name Hammermill. You’re guaranteed to be in good hands!